Saturday, April 5, 2014

This is the story of Emily, and how she found her courage, confidence, and self-love through fashion.

The story begins on a cloudy day in Oregon at the beginning of April. I'm sitting here, a 21 year old on my parent's couch, thinking about how I could use more confidence, feel more self-assured, and be a bit more daring with fashion.

I've always been a pretty good dresser up until sophomore year of high school - the year I was thrust upon the main campus with the rest of the other grades, and not isolated on the freshman campus.  Suddenly there were WAY more people surrounding me in a day, and most of them were older than me. I reverted back to my ways as a little sister - don't rock the boat, don't argue, just conform. And conform I did. I embraced jeans, tee shirts, and sneakers; goodbye to the days of neon prints, colorful dresses, and interesting hairstyles! I was so intimidated to be part of a huge crowd, it petrified me to think of ALL of those eyes looking at me if I was different! In consequence, I slid under the radar all through high school, and continued to do so my first three years of college.

I love fashion and it's time to start embracing that! I think once my outside correctly reflects my inside I'll be able to attract better people to me, inner love and confidence, and maybe even break the 4 year singleness streak I've been on! Because I think right now I'm bored by life, bored by the men I attract, and bored at the girl in grey looking back at me. Because I'm not grey, I'm not boring, and my inner self is neither shy nor safe. Now is the perfect time! I moved to a new state, I'm just about to start at a new university this fall, and I have a clean slate to make my future exactly the way I want it.

Day 1:

Grey tee, purple corduroy pants, Vans, brown sweater, and brown corduroy jacket. SNORE. 

Read on for my adventures, and feel free to share insight on your emotional journey! I look forward to sharing this quest with you!


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