Saturday, March 5, 2016

As I said in my last post, life is funny. Especially the way it keep changing.

Moving from Portland has profoundly changed my views of the world. Things that mattered while I was living there just don't matter as much here. Fashion, while still being important to me, just doesn't hold the same weight as it did, and to be honest, every morning while I got dressed in Portland I was thinking of other people and what they would think of me. NOT COOL. But when you get faced with the hipster-teenage-eyeroll you would think twice before going out in your awkward fox sweater and baggy pants. Unless you can put up the "effortlessly cool I-know-exactly-how-lame-this-looks-but-it's-ironic" kind of attitude, you will be judged. And I don't think I can even move my face that way (I have what the kids call a "resting nice face". It kills the effortlessly cool look.).

But my views are changing.

I'm closer to nature than I've ever been in my life. It's in my face - I can't ignore it. I can't look at it from a distance and say, "Wow! Incredible!" but walk back into my little nest of safety. It's pretty wild out here. People go for hikes, and get lost, and die. I wish I was kidding!

But, man, being out here feels so right.

I feel like I'm a part of something. Not just a mindless, easily manipulated consumer, but a producer. A producer and creator of a better life.

I'm moving toward a more self-sufficient life, while still in twirly skirts.

Get ready for the ride.


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