Saturday, March 12, 2016

The rain and clouds have seriously been getting me down, and along with a couple of emotional upheavals that I've been recovering from - one of them being the loss of my dearest seventeen year old cat - my last week hasn't been incredibly productive. I spent the majority of my time watching hours of Parts Unknown on Netflix. I've been snippy and uncharacteristically grumpy, and I'm ashamed to say that I've lashed out on family members. Sigh.

But this morning I was walking to and from the coffee shop, and I noticed that the lavender has started to spring back. Seeing things pop out gets me super excited for the future!

My goals for this month:

Get the chicken coop finished
Add more items to my Etsy shop
Pickle so much asparagus
Begin sprouting tomatoes, watermelon, and sunflowers
Wake up thirty minutes earlier every morning
Start organizing my "secret" garden
Protect the garden from rogue puppies and bunnies

P.S. The bread was BITCHIN'. I'm happy to report that it was devoured in a day.

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