Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Did anyone else see on the news yesterday that the sea level is rising high and fast in Flordia? By the end of the century the shoreline is going to look totally different, not to mention all the fragile and unique ecosystems that will be dragged down with it. IS ANYONE ELSE FREAKING OUT? I will be seeing this craziness in my lifetime. 

Seeing the world alter so dramatically, right before my very eyes, makes me want to work harder tending to my little piece of Earth. But things in my box are just starting to sprout, so what else can I do to make my footprint smaller? How can I opt out of this utter madness further?

Cut back on TV. A hard one for me, because I like to have it on in the background while I work on my crafts. I literally watch at least 5 hours of TV a day, and I'm definitely going to make a point to cut back. Even if it's only an hour, it's an hour less of electricity used for my entertainment, and I call that a win.

Bring a reusable cup with you wherever you go. You never know when the coffee urge is going to hit you, and I just find that drinking my coffee in my own mug makes it taste so much better. Plus, saying no to useless waste makes me feel good.

Read by candlelight before going to sleep. While the power was out for eight days in November I had no choice but to read by candlelight before going to bed. I actually found that I fell asleep faster, and it was easier to wind down. Just make sure you get a candle with a couple of wicks - or use a couple of candles - to make sure you have enough light to read by.

Hang most of your laundry out to dry. Common sense right? Put that sun and wind to work for free!

Carry reusable bags with you wherever you go. Remember where those suckers are! The earth can't take any more plastic waste or deforestation for a one-time use product! Plan ahead!

Avoid plastic whenever you can. By doing this, which is harder than it sounds, not only will you be saving so much waste from hitting the landfills, but also eating better, saving the sea turtles, and creating a healthier life.

I think it's important to know that the only person's actions you can completely control are your own. Be the change you want to see. If all of us take little steps to live our lives with a smaller impact, I have no doubt things will change for the better.

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